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It contains all you need to know about synthetic anti-retroviral drugs (SARMs).

The Most Important Points to Remember

  1. SARM is an acronym for selective androgen receptor modulator, and it refers to a type of drug that is chemically similar to anabolic steroids in that it works by inhibiting the activity of the androgen receptor.
  2. SARMs, like steroids, have the capacity to increase muscle mass and fat loss, but to a lesser amount than steroids do.
  3. SARMs are linked with a lot of the same dangers, drawbacks, and unwanted outcomes that are associated with steroids, including decreased natural testosterone production, increased hair loss, and maybe an increased risk of acquiring cancer in the long term.
    Enjoying your macronutrients and calories is something you’re doing right now.
According to your actions, you appear to be devoting your entire attention to your workouts.
You’re spending a small amount on nutritional supplements to help you stay healthy while exercising.
And it’s all horribly inadequate in comparison. It’s just that the needle isn’t moving as quickly as you’d like it to be right now.
It’s probable that you’ve explored the notion of utilising anabolic steroids in the past. However, you are aware of the negative consequences and health risks linked with their use, and you are not yet ready to make the switch (har har har).
And then you come across SARMs, and you can’t help but wonder: what are they?

CAN they truly help you grow muscle and lose fat at a rate that is comparable to or better than that of steroids, while also avoiding any of the harmful side effects of steroids?

And they’re both legal and reasonably priced!?!?
It’s incomprehensible to me.
Many individuals feel that SARMs are the ideal supplements for health-conscious bodybuilders, and many professional athletes praise them for their ability to boost performance while simultaneously growing muscle growth.
This has the appearance of being far too good to be true, but is this truly the case? I’m curious to know what the scientific community has to say about this.
This article will get to the bottom of everything, so make sure to read it till the end!
The purpose of this article is to explain what synthetic anti-androgens are, how they work, and what research has shown about how dependable and safe they are in terms of performance enhancement.

What Are SARMs and How Do They Work? How Do SARMs Work? What Is the Mechanism of Action of SARMs?

Anabolic steroids are chemically connected to SARMs, which are abbreviated for selective androgen receptor modulator. SARMs are medications that work by blocking the androgen receptor.
A significant number of synthetic anabolic steroid hormones (SARMs) are available on the market, with some being more effective and posing a greater risk of negative effects than others.
Of them, the ones who are most popular are…
  1. MK-2866 or GTx-024 (Ostarine).
  2. LGD-4033 (Ligandrol).
  3. LGD-3303.
  4. GSX-007 or S-4 (Andarine).
  5. GW-501516 (Cardarine).

Why the strange alphanumeric names, you wonder?

Pharmaceutical marketers haven’t bothered to refer to SARMs by their correct names because they haven’t been approved for medical usage yet. For the time being, they are only accessible as “research chemicals” that are not intended for therapeutic use; however, more on that in a bit.
First and foremost, in order to completely comprehend how these drugs work, we must first understand the physiology of hormones in the human body.
HRH are chemical messengers that your body uses to communicate with cells in order to maintain health and well-being on a cellular level.
Imagine them as outbound mail that contains essential instructions, and when they reach the “mail boxes” of the cells, which are hormone receptors, the orders are carried out as a result of the directives being received.
Androgens are hormonal chemicals that have a role in the development of masculinity in a person’s life (much deeper voice, facial hair, more muscle and lower body fat levels, and so forth). Testosterone is the androgen that is most commonly utilised, however there are alternative androgens available.
Androgens exert their effects on the body through three basic mechanisms: androgen induction, androgen suppression, androgen stimulation.
  1. It attaches to the androgen receptors on the surface of your cells, causing them to become active.
  2. The hormone testosterone is transformed to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which binds itself to androgen receptors found on the surface of the body, acting as a hormone.
  3. After undergoing transformation into the hormonal chemical estradiol (oestrogen), which connects to a number of receptors on cells in a variety of ways (estrogen receptor).
In the normal run of events, the body’s androgen production is closely regulated, and the body relies on precise feedback mechanisms to keep everything in balance.
As a result of the introduction of anabolic steroids into the body, your cells get swamped with androgens, with such a high concentration of them that all of the receptors that are accessible are totally saturated.
The upshot is that all cells that are listening receive an extraordinarily potent message, including muscle cells, which respond by expanding quickly.
Even while we weightlifters think it sounds like a lot of fun, there are certain dangers associated with it.
In accordance with the conclusions of a research study, some of the negative repercussions of steroid usage are reversible, whilst others are not. Among the findings: It is possible to incur long-term effects as a result of your actions.
The following are some examples of modifications that are reversible: Testicular atrophy (shrinkage), acne, cysts, greasy hair and skin, higher blood pressure and “bad” cholesterol levels; increased aggressiveness; and a drop in sperm count are all symptoms of testicular atrophy and shrinking.
Male pattern baldness, heart failure, liver disease, and other long-term repercussions are all possible outcomes (breast advancement).
Using steroids has several potential negative effects, one of which is the danger of establishing biological and psychological reliance.
If you talk to enough honest drug users, you’ll learn all there is to know about their addictive properties and how to avoid being addicted to them. As a result of a research conducted by specialists at Harvard Medical School, it was determined that 30% of steroid users suffered from dependence syndrome.
If you talk to enough honest drug users, you’ll learn all there is to know about their addictive properties and how to avoid being addicted to them. As a result of a research conducted by specialists at Harvard Medical School, it was determined that 30% of steroid users suffered from dependence syndrome.
Throughout the years, scientists have attempted to create steroids or steroid-like treatments that aren’t as hazardous to people’s health and wellbeing as traditional steroids, and supplement marketers declare that SARMs are exactly what they claim they are.
In contrast to steroidal treatments, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are designed to stimulate androgen receptors in just muscle and bone cells, with minimal effect on other cells in the body or the endocrine system as a whole. These medications are used to treat a wide range of medical issues, including male infertility.
When it comes down to it, using plain ol’ anabolic steroids is analogous to dumping a tonne of androgens into your system. It completes the goal, but it does it in an irresponsible manner, causing severe collateral damage in the process.
When it comes down to it, using plain ol’ anabolic steroids is analogous to dumping a tonne of androgens into your system. It completes the goal, but it does it in an irresponsible manner, causing severe collateral damage in the process.
However, the usage of SARMs is akin to a drone striking just the asshole whistleblower reporters or, to put it another way, only the bad guys in the terrorist organisation.
SARMs do this in two ways, according on their technical specifications:
  1. Specifically, SARMs accomplish this in two ways, according to the science: they have a specific affinity for certain tissues, such as muscle and bone, while having no affinity for other tissues, such as those of the liver, prostate, and brain; and they suppress the production of testosterone in the body. Their preference for certain organs like as the liver, prostate, and brain is also unmatched by any other species.
  2. It takes longer for them to disintegrate into undesired particles that might produce undesirable consequences, such as DHT and oestrogen, than it does for other drugs.

Compared to the first point, the second one has a large amount of significance.

When used in conjunction with steroids, one of the most essential characteristics of SARMs is that they are not rapidly turned into DHT by an enzyme known as 5-alpha reductase, which is responsible for the majority of the negative side effects associated with steroid use.
SARMs are also resistant to the enzyme aromatase, which is responsible for the conversion of testosterone into oestrogen.
In part because SARMs are less effective than traditional anabolic steroids, they have a less significant effect on natural testosterone production, making them simpler to recover from.

SARMs are a form of synthetic medicine that replicates many of the actions of testosterone in muscle and bone tissue while having (ideally) minimal effect on the rest of the body. SARMs are used to treat a variety of conditions, including anorexia and bulimia. It follows that you may be able to get the benefits of steroids while avoiding their undesirable side effects, according to this concept.

Why do individuals use SARMs as a dietary supplement to enhance their performance?

Muscle wasting, osteoporosis, anaemia, and chronic fatigue were among the conditions for which SARMs were originally used to treat those who were suffering from them.
When they were first introduced, they were meant to be a considerably more healthful alternative to testosterone replacement therapy. We still don’t know if they will be able to realise their vision or if they will be successful in doing so.
SARMs are commonly used by bodybuilders for one of two reasons:
  1. (1) to increase muscle mass and
  2. (2) to increase strength.
They intended to “dip their toes in the water” of anabolic drug abuse before embarking on traditional steroid cycles in order to “test the waters.”
Make steroid cycles more effective without raising the chance of side effects or health hazards.

In addition, many bodybuilders feel that SARMs are particularly good for cutting since they aid to preserve lean muscle while not appearing to increase water retention in the body, as is the case with many other drugs.

Although SARMs are not as effective for muscle building as traditional steroids, they are significantly more effective than anything natural that you may ingest, according to research findings (like creatine).
As a result of the fact that they are more difficult to detect in drug testing, they are also popular among athletes who are anxious about getting detected.
Let’s say that everything I’ve written thus far has made you want to go out to Google with your money in hand. But, hold on a bit, because we’re not done yet.

Is it safe to use synthetic anabolic steroid hormones (SARMs)?

In fact, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) have just been on the market for a few of decades, and despite this, there has been little human study into them.
There is just too little information available to us about how they work and the long-term repercussions of their use, which is a legitimate subject of concern in and of itself.
Furthermore, because all SARMs offered online are basically black-market commodities, they are not subject to any type of regulatory oversight, and quality control is often a concern when it comes to these products. It is becoming increasingly usual to see incidents involving mislabeling, contamination, and other horrible behaviour.
What we do know about the scenario is as follows…

SARMs are medications that work by interfering with the body’s natural testosterone synthesis.

For a large number of these medications, one of the most important selling points is the assurance that they will not interfere with your body’s natural testosterone production.
This is a completely fabricated story. That is without a doubt the case.
According to a study conducted by scientists at the request of GTx, Inc., an American pharmaceutical company that specialises in the production of SARMs, men who took 3 mg of the SARM ostarine every day for 86 days saw their complimentary testosterone levels drop by 23 percent and their overall testosterone levels drop by 43 percent (during the trial).
Given that GTx, Inc. is a manufacturer and distributor of SARMs, the company had no reason to exaggerate the findings in order to make them look worse than they actually were. It should be noted that there is no evidence that this was done; I’m only expressing an observation. They were bribed to do the reverse, which was to underreport the negative side effects of the medication.
Another study, done by academics at Boston University, examined the effects of the SARM ligandrol, and the researchers discovered that the effects were identical. After taking 1 mg of ligandrol each day for three weeks, a total of 76 males between the ages of 21 and 50 had a stunning 55 percent decrease in overall testosterone levels, according to the findings of this study. Also revealed was that it takes 5 weeks for their natural testosterone production to resume its pre-pregnancy levels.
A male contraceptive is being investigated as a result of SARMs’ ability to decrease levels of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone, as well as their ability to diminish sperm count and testosterone levels.
All of this should come as no surprise when you examine the typical physiology at work:
When androgens are introduced into the body, the body recognises the rise in androgen production and responds by lowering its own synthesis of hormones that are comparable to androgens.

As a result of the introduction of androgens into the body, the body recognises the increase in androgen production and responds by decreasing its own synthesis of hormones that are equivalent to androgens.

However, despite what the SARM hucksters claim, SARMs will undoubtedly reduce your natural testosterone production, and the more the amount of SARMs you take, the greater the decrease in your natural testosterone levels will be.

In general, the bigger the number of SARMs you take, the greater the likelihood that you may have unfavourable effects.
The use of SARMs does not totally exclude the possibility of undesirable side effects; however, they are often minimal and only occur at low dosages.

As a result, many of the bad consequences associated with steroid use, such as acne and hair loss, are regularly seen by bodybuilders, who do not frequently rely on small dosages of steroids to get results.
Likewise, the testosterone suppression that you have lately learnt about is valid in this case. If you increase the quantity of exogenous (originating outside of an organism) anabolic hormones that you put into your body, whether through SARMs or plain ol’ testosterone, you will see a bigger reduction in your natural testosterone production as a result.
According to a research done by scientists at Copenhagen University, it’s also possible that this decrease in natural testosterone levels will continue for years after you stop taking steroids (or SARMs).
Compared to traditional steroids, which are mostly constituted of testosterone, SARMs appear to be less hazardous to the body, at least on paper. If you take a big enough dosage of anything, it’s possible to have significant good benefits, but it’s also possible to experience major negative repercussions as well.
SARMs are most likely less difficult to recover from than standard anabolic steroids since they have a shorter half-life.
Keep in mind that they do not convert into DHT or oestrogen in the same way as steroids do, meaning that they will not have the same negative impact on your system.
Aside from being less anabolic than pure testosterone, SARMs are also less antagonistic than pure testosterone, which implies they do not suppress natural testosterone as much as pure testosterone (although there isn’t enough research to tell for certain at this moment)
In the end, if you’re taking enough to harvest big advantages, you’re also taking enough to reap considerable negatives, as the saying goes. That is just the nature of medicines: they have both positive and bad effects, and you must constantly weigh the advantages and disadvantages of using them.

One other point of worry is that, in the event that you take enough SARMs to cause some of the more serious side effects, such as hair loss, gynecomastia, and other similar manifestations, the repercussions may be permanent, just as they are with anabolic steroid usage, if you take too many SARMs.
Several people have indicated that they recover more quickly from SARM usage than they do from traditional steroid cycles, based on anecdotal evidence. Such testimonies should, however, be seen with caution because a lot of these individuals have also used significantly lower doses of SARMs than they have ever used of steroids, making it impossible to make a genuine apples-to-apples comparison.
It’s also possible that the chemicals these individuals were eating were not SARMs at all, as you’ll learn more about in a moment.
When compared to traditional steroids, the negative effects of SARMs may be less difficult to recover from when you stop using them; nevertheless, this notion is based on bodybuilder stories rather than scientific examination.
A possible side effect of SARMs is an increased chance of getting cancer.
Several large-scale experiments on the SARM cardarine were terminated because the substance was causing malignant alterations in the intestines of mice, prompting the suspension of the study.
SARMs may increase your risk of developing cancer.
While it’s possible that you were aware of this, and you might have imagined that the amounts used were far higher than those that those of us in the physical fitness profession would ever consume, this is not the case.
Because rats and mice evacuate various drugs from their body at a quicker pace than humans, they require greater dosages to get the same outcomes as humans in comparison to rats and mice.
Specifically, the mice in the above-mentioned research were given 10 mg per kilogramme of cardarine per day, which amounts to around 75 mg per day for a 200-pound man when translated to human metabolic equivalents.
Take a look at the bodybuilding message boards and you’ll immediately discover that many bodybuilders consume significantly more than the recommended quantity.
Because rat studies cannot be extrapolated to humans (despite the fact that we share 98 percent of their DNA), it is unknown if that drug or other SARMs are raising our chance of developing cancer in the first place.
Aside from that, there is evidence to suggest that SARMs may be useful in avoiding some forms of cancer, thus we simply do not know what we do not know.
For me, this is just another reason why SARMs should be evaluated as the very last and very first high-risk, low-reward choice available, rather than the very first and very last.
They’ve been examined and understood significantly less completely than traditional anabolic steroids such as testosterone, which is one of the reasons why many physicians feel they’re a riskier option to testosterone. It is considerably preferable to be acquainted with the devil than it is to be acquainted with the devil whom you do not know.
There is evidence to suggest that SARMs may increase your chance of getting cancer, and nothing is known about the long-term safety of these drugs in general at this point in time. You will be the test subject in this experiment, and only time will tell what the outcomes will be once you have completed the tests and returned them.

SARM products that claim to be effective are usually shown to be completely ineffective.

We should keep in mind that SARMs are only permitted to be sold legally as “research study drugs” under certain conditions.
SARM products that claim to be effective are frequently not effective in any way.
Put another way, the only people who are supposed to acquire SARMs are scientists who are interested in knowing more about how they work and whether or not they might have a possible application in the pharmaceutical field.
Without a doubt, the vast majority of SARMs available for purchase on the internet will never see the light of day at a research facility. Instead, they make their way into the bodies of bodybuilders, professional athletes, and physical fitness enthusiasts who are eager to bulk up and get more jacked.
The following types of skulduggery are made possible as a result of this:
Poor quality control or cutting shortcuts during the production process can result in the contamination of medications with dangerous compounds, resulting in the loss of effectiveness.
They are being used in conjunction with weaker and usually dangerous substances in order to increase revenue and profits.
Making somebody look to be someone or something they are not in order to earn financial advantage is illegal.
This was demonstrated by a study conducted by the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) that involved the purchase of 44 SARM products from 21 different online sellers. The results of the study were devastating.
As an added measure, the scientists demanded that all of the suppliers give what is known as a “chain of custody” for the products, which identifies how many hands the objects moved through after they were created and when they were manufactured (and thus who had the opportunity to damage them).
They came to the conclusion that… after conducting a comprehensive analysis of the objects

Scientific References

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  14. Hartgens F, Kuipers H. Effects of androgenic-anabolic steroids in athletes. 2004; 34( 8 ):513 -554.
  15. Br J Pharmacol. 2008; 154( 3 ):502 -521.
  16. Van Wagoner RM, Eichner A, Bhasin S, Deuster PA, Eichner D. Chemical Composition and Identifying of Substances Marketed as Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators and Sold via the Web. Tachibana K, Yamasaki D, Ishimoto K, Doi T. The selective androgen receptor modulator GTx-024 (enobosarm) enhances lean body mass and physical function in healthy postmenopausal ladies and elderly males: outcomes of a double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II trial. Expanding the restorative usage of androgens via selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs). Broadening the healing use of androgens by means of selective androgen receptor modulators( SARMs ).

Learn More (Proven SARMs):

Sarms Capsules for sale
Sarms droppers for sale
Sarms stack for sale

Read More:

HealthLine (What Is SARMs)